united islands of prague 2007

united islands of prague
[praha] :: 21.-23.06.2007

přinášíme vám fotoreportáž z oslav svátku hudby - z festivalu "spojených ostrovů pražských". nasajte nevšední a jedinečnou atmosféru této multižánrové akce.

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

united islands of prague united islands of prague united islands of prague

foto: jiří volejník


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