please the trees v parníku

please the trees
[parník] :: 14.02.2014

pár dní před odletem na březnovou americkou tour vystoupilo trio václava havelky please the trees v pátek 14.02.2014 v ostravském klubu parník. byli jsme tam také.

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees

foto: jonáš

