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fotoreport:: the chancers & the thinners v planu b

the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl)
[plan b]
v pátek 12.02.2016 se v plan b hardcore cafe tančilo v rytmu ska. zavítali sem the chancers z prahy a the thinners z wodzisławia śląskiego. pokusili jsme se tam pořídit fotoreport...
vloženo: 22.02.2016
the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl)

the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl)

the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl)

the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl)

the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl)

the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl)

the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl)

the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl) the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl)

the chancers (uk/cz), the thinners (pl)

foto: tomáš dudyn václavek

 verze pro tisk

související články::

informační kanály 


>> november 2nd


>> fotoreport:: robert křesťan & druhá tráva v heligonce
>> fotoreport:: slezskoostravský rock-fest 2024
>> fotoreport:: načeva v docku
>> fotoreport:: skupina grog oslavila třicátiny
>> fotoreport:: józef a ella skrzekovi v karviné
>> fotoreport:: gothic iglau v jihlavském dko
>> fotoreport:: blues alive XXVIII (čtvrtek)
>> fotoreport:: poly noir & the holy spirit smugglers v kabinetu múz
>> fotoreport:: blues alive XXVIII (sobota)
>> fotoreport:: mystery v andaluzji

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