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fotoreport:: ci3 a jump into the field v docku

ci3, jump into the field
v sobotu 15.04.2023 patřil ostravský dock dvojici vskutku zajímavých kapel. domácí ci3 si sem v rámci 'výměnného pobytu' přizvali pražskou formaci jump into the field. skvělý hudební večer jsme si v plném klubu s velkou chutí užili s nimi.
vloženo: 20.04.2023
ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field ci3, jump into the field

foto: tomáš dudyn václavek (with a little help from ondra frank)

 verze pro tisk

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