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fotoreport:: spider kickers a kazgaroth v barráku

spider kickers, kazgaroth
v úterý 16.04.2024 zavítala do ostravského klubu barrák řecká death-thrashová formace spider kickers. společnost jim tam toho večera dělala a publikum rozehřála domácí sebranka kazgaroth. něco málo jsme tam nafotili.
vloženo: 19.04.2024
spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth

spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth

spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth

spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth

spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth

spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth

spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth

spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth

spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth

spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth

spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth

spider kickers, kazgaroth spider kickers, kazgaroth

foto: pavel dolas

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