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fotoreport:: the exploited a spol. v barráku

the exploited
do ostravského klubu zavítala britská punková legenda the exploited. spolu s ní se na pódiu toho večera vyřádily i salší dvě sebranky - čeští n.v.ú. a slovenští ilegality. akce se konala jako warm up pod parou festu.
vloženo: 13.09.2024
the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol.

the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol.

the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol.

the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol.

the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol.

the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol.

the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol.

the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol. the exploited a spol.

foto: valde ár

 verze pro tisk

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