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fotoreport:: trash and heavy night v rock hillu

trash and heavy night
[rock hill]
v sobotu 16.11.2024 proběhla na rockové hůrce v mariánských horách trash and heavy night s aktivní účastí kapel defibe, train corpse a christ off. něco málo jsme tam při té příležitosti nafotili.
vloženo: 18.11.2024
trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

trash and heavy night trash and heavy night

foto: pavel dolas

 verze pro tisk

informační kanály 


>> dunaj & jana vébrová


>> fotoreport:: everyday friday na náměstí ostrava-jih
>> fotoreport:: bastard, gate crasher a porta inferi v barráku
>> fotoreport:: vypsaná fixa v barráku
>> fotoreport:: peter lipa band v parníku
>> fotoreport:: jucho na masarykově náměstí
>> fotoreport:: nika na masarykově náměstí
>> fotoreport:: olympic v gongu
>> fotoreport:: colours of ostrava 2024 (čtvrtek)
>> fotoreport:: skupina grog oslavila třicátiny
>> fotoreport:: groove jam pro jesenicko

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