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24. líheň

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fotoreport:: harry waters & friends v parníku

harry waters & friends
famózní londýnský pianista harry waters, syn leadera legendárních pink floyd, dorazil se svými českými kamarády (jakubem doležalem, janem greifonerem a filipem jeníčkem) v rámci česko-slovenské tour i do ostravy. v parníku díky němu mnozní z nás prožili velmi příjemný jazzový večer.
vloženo: 26.11.2012
harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends

harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends

harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends

harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends

harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends

harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends

harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends

harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends

harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends

harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends

harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends

harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends harry waters and friends

foto: tomáš dudyn václavek

 verze pro tisk

informační kanály 


>> necro metal pilgrims 2025


>> fotoreport:: vanessa a spol. v barráku
>> fotoreport:: dunaj a jana vébrová ve vrátnici
>> fotoreport:: peter lipa band v parníku
>> fotoreport:: vypsaná fixa v barráku
>> fotoreport:: blues alive XXVIII (čtvrtek)
>> fotoreport:: everyday friday na náměstí ostrava-jih
>> fotoreport:: ben poole band v k-triu
>> fotoreport:: olympic v gongu
>> fotoreport:: blues alive XXVIII (sobota)
>> fotoreport:: jucho na masarykově náměstí

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