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fotoreport:: downbelow, café industrial a moonshye ve stounu

downbelow, café industrial, moonshye
v pátek 06.10.2017 proběhl ve frýdecko-místeckém klubu stoun velice výživný trojkoncert... vlastně čtyřkoncert. downbelow totiž po odehrání svého klasického setu přibrali na pódium své kamarády a společně pak pokračovali v tom, co nakousli už v červnu na sweetsen festu - vzpomínce na chrise cornella a další ovlivnitele. s menším zpožděním přinášíme fotoreport.
vloženo: 17.11.2017
downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye downbelow, café industrial, moon shye

foto: tomáš dudyn václavek

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