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fotoreport:: the truth is out there v barráku

the truth is out there
v sobotu 23.03.2019 proběhl v klubu barrák ostravský křest nového alba formace the truth is out there s názvem 'all little revolutions'. měli jsme na místě svou dlažební kostku, která tam pořídila několik obrázků.
vloženo: 31.03.2019
the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there the truth is out there

foto: dlažební kostka

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