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fotoreport:: behind the door v hudebním bazaru

behind the door
[hudební bazar]
otevřená náruč hudebního bazaru umožnila ostravský koncert frýdecko-místecké jazzové formace behind the door. neváhali jsme a vyrazili jej zaznamenat. a teď konečně můžeme nabídnout pár pestrobarevných obrázků z večera onoho.
vloženo: 25.03.2024
behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

behind the door behind the door behind the door behind the door

foto: tomáš dudyn václavek

 verze pro tisk

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