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fotoreport:: point of few v docku

point of few
další báječný jazzový koncert zažil ve čtvrtek ostravský klub dock. po roce a půl se sem totiž vrátili point of few, aby mj. už trochu poodkryli něco málo z netrpělivě vyhlíženého druhého alba. opět jsme tam byli i my.
vloženo: 28.11.2023
point of few point of few point of few point of few

point of few point of few point of few point of few

point of few point of few point of few point of few

point of few point of few point of few point of few

point of few point of few point of few point of few

point of few point of few point of few point of few

point of few point of few point of few point of few

point of few point of few point of few point of few

point of few point of few

foto: tomáš dudyn václavek

 verze pro tisk

související články::

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>> necro metal pilgrims 2025


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>> fotoreport:: blues alive XXVIII (sobota)
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>> fotoreport:: olympic v gongu
>> fotoreport:: everyday friday na náměstí ostrava-jih

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